Tracked Value: ₿ 2,268,742.651  ($ 153,982,876,087.00)
Addresses: 1,137,281
Exchanges: 94
Governments: 1
People: 2
Companies: 17
Other: 9

Tracked Cryptocurrency Addresses Owned by Binance Pool

Address: 1Q8QR5k32hexiMQnRgkJ6fmmjn5fMWhdv9

This address is on the Bitcoin blockchain and holds 10,216.720 BTC.

Binance Pool (Other) Self Reporting Archive

  • Website:
  • Total Tracked Addresses: 5
  • Total Tracked Value: ₿ 10,346.670 $ 702,243,642.00
  • Binance Pool is a mining pool that was started in 2020 as part of the Binance ecosystem.
Reserves Distribution

Cryptocurrency Addresses Owned by Binance Pool

Note that this list of addresses is not meant to be a complete representation of the holdings belonging to the entity. It's a representation, to the best of our ability, of the assets for which the entity has made addresses available, and for the coins and the networks that CoinReserveWatch supports.