Tracked Value: ₿ 2,264,027.303  ($ 153,448,978,515.00)
Addresses: 1,137,281
Exchanges: 94
Governments: 1
People: 2
Companies: 17
Other: 9

Tracked Cryptocurrency Addresses Owned by El Salvador

Address: 32ixEdVJWo3kmvJGMTZq5jAQVZZeuwnqzo

This address is on the Bitcoin blockchain and holds 5,904.765 BTC.

El Salvador (Government) Self Reporting Archived

  • Website:
  • Total Tracked Addresses: 1
  • Total Tracked Value: ₿ 5,904.765 $ 400,207,314.00
  • El Salvador, officially referred to as the Republic of El Salvador, is a country in Central America. In 2021, under President Nayib Bukele, El Salvador officially became the first country in the world to recognize and use Bitcoin as legal tender. In the 20 years prior to the recognition of Bitcoin as an official currency, El Salvador had exclusively recognized the United States dollar as the official currency.
Reserves Distribution

Cryptocurrency Addresses Owned by El Salvador

Note that this list of addresses is not meant to be a complete representation of the holdings belonging to the entity. It's a representation, to the best of our ability, of the assets for which the entity has made addresses available, and for the coins and the networks that CoinReserveWatch supports.