Tracked Value: ₿ 2,268,742.651  ($ 152,909,670,064.00)
Addresses: 1,137,281
Exchanges: 94
Governments: 1
People: 2
Companies: 17
Other: 9

Tracked Cryptocurrency Addresses Owned by MaskEX

Address: 39DUz1NCkLu25GczWiAjjgZBu4mUjKbdNA

This address is on the Bitcoin blockchain and holds 9,757.062 BTC.

MaskEX (Exchange) Self Reporting Archive

  • Website:
  • Total Tracked Addresses: 71
  • Total Tracked Value: ₿ 10,176.423 $ 685,874,847.00
  • MaskEX is a centralized cryptocurrency exchange that does business out of the UAE as Mask Virtual Assets Exchange LLC.

Trust Score: Trust Score: 2.0 Trust Score: 2.0 Trust Score: 2.0 Trust Score: 2.0 Trust Score: 2.0

  • No signed addresses or messages.
  • Automation requires scraping and/or guessing.
  • No audit is made available.
  • PoR Wallet Addresses are difficult to find.
  • Methodology
Reserves Distribution

Cryptocurrency Addresses Owned by MaskEX

Note that this list of addresses is not meant to be a complete representation of the holdings belonging to the entity. It's a representation, to the best of our ability, of the assets for which the entity has made addresses available, and for the coins and the networks that CoinReserveWatch supports.