Tracked Value: ₿ 2,264,027.303  ($ 153,448,978,515.00)
Addresses: 1,137,281
Exchanges: 94
Governments: 1
People: 2
Companies: 17
Other: 9

Tracked Cryptocurrency Addresses Owned by Vitalik Buterin

Address: 0xAb5801a7D398351b8bE11C439e05C5B3259aeC9B

This address is on the Ethereum blockchain and holds 37.950 ETH, an equivelant value of 1.461 BTC.

Vitalik Buterin (Person) Self Reporting Archived

  • Website:
  • Total Tracked Addresses: 2
  • Total Tracked Value: ₿ 44.953 $ 3,046,835.00
  • Vitalik Buterin is one of the co-founders of the Ethereum cryptocurrency. Vitalik was born in Russia and moved to Canada as a child at age six. Vitalik later also acquired Montenegran citizenship.
Reserves Distribution

Cryptocurrency Addresses Owned by Vitalik Buterin

Note that this list of addresses is not meant to be a complete representation of the holdings belonging to the entity. It's a representation, to the best of our ability, of the assets for which the entity has made addresses available, and for the coins and the networks that CoinReserveWatch supports.